
Faculty in the Department of Theatre and Drama are exploring new ground as the world adds technology to entertainment. Our research projects explore both new techniques and old theories, and strive to enlighten our students, faculty and staff, and community.

Areas of Research


Research on performance within the Department of Theatre and Drama focuses both on its history and classical roots and modern approaches and innovations. Projects range from the application of Laban efforts in an integrative approach to actor training, to gender spectrum communication training, to theatre for community development, and transnational Black performance.

Colleen Conroy ≫
Mark H. ≫
Baron Kelly ≫

Julius Caesar
VR Headset

Theatre and Virtual Environments

This area represents the latest thinking about technology-enhanced environment design. Research projects include virtual reality-assisted design, virtual reality performance, and interactive video games as performance. Faculty utilize the Entertainment Virtual-environment Innovation Laboratory (EVIL) to devise new methods of theatrical performance and practice.

Dan Lisowski ≫
Neil Mills ≫
Megan Reilly ≫